Tag Archives: queen size

hello giant cathedral window blanket…

28 Oct

cathedral window blanket urbanpocketknife

My sister’s wedding was this fall and in the spring of this year I decided to make her and her nouveau beau a blanket….a giant mega huge one.  The amount of grammie-esque blanket patterns are staggering but I stumbled upon this crazy cool one that looks like a cathedral window.  I must admit, the original colours are not amazing so I stole the colour palette of another Ravelry user that shows off the panels amazingly.

I purposely chose a crochet pattern as it is way faster.   The local stores  didn’t quite have the colours I needed so I did have to order them from Red Heart.  I had to purchase the pattern but it was well worth it!

cathedral window blanket urbanpocketknife

Dude, this thing is big, it’s the size of a queen size mattress with enough left over for draping.  My cat lived on/under  this blanket as I was making it since April and was very sour when I packed it up.

There are a lot of motherfuckin ends to weave in as some sections are individual hexes that you sew in.  I did cheat a bit and instead of cutting the yarn, I made some stitches on the wrong side just to carry me to the next section.  I also crocheted over  a lot of the ends so I didn’t have to weave them in later.

cathedral window blanket urbanpocketknife

For me the constant colour changes kept the boredom at bay.  It took me about 5 months to finish it but I must admit, I wasn’t working on it every day.

cathedral window blanket urbanpocketknife

I ordered enough yarn so I could make a second one for myself because just look at the balding eyebrow cat’s face, who could say no to that face?  It probably makes no sense that I’m starting the second one now since it won’t likely be finished until the spring, but alas, rainy cold days are coming and I need something to do.